HELP - people seem to love/hate my cover!

I am self publishing a novel in mid-March. I paid a cover designer to make the cover because I don't have a single graphic design bone in my body. When I asked friends about the cover, some loved it and some hated it, but nobody could say exactly why. The book just went up on NetGalley with a coop, and the likes/dislikes on the cover so far aren't great: 6 likes to 3 dislikes. Other books on NetGalley seem to have much better cover ratios, like 30 likes to 3 dislikes. It's been requested by 18 people in the five days it's been up and I'm not sure how to interpret that - good? bad? I've heard of people getting 50 or 100 or even more requests when their book first goes up on NetGalley, but maybe those were more experienced people who already had lists/followings/etc. OR maybe my cover isn't "good enough." Anyways, I've been lurking on this subreddit for a while and I would like to know: what do YOU think of this cover? Also -- without me posting the blurb here, what would you assume about the book's genre/target audience/plot from this cover?

LINK TO COVER (please ignore the weird white padding that shows up with this link):