Some compact feedback for the devs. With pictures and everything!

Hello, Runeterra!

Here's some feedback from someone who's dumped several hundred hours - and a few hundred bucks - into this game over the years. Been playing since the beta and I very much enjoy the PvE side of things. Figured I'd post some suggestions to hopefully help the game improve even more.

These are just suggestions related to core gameplay and quality-of-life stuff, so I won't touch on things like individual champion balance, monetization/currencies or personal wishlists regarding new content. Keeping it simple.

Here goes!

1) When using rerolls in adventure nodes (new powers, champion items, shops, etc), do not offer the same option again after the reroll.

if I reroll, it means I don't want to see any of these choices again

2) Add the option to 'skip reward' when offered a selection of new cards after each combat.

if I don't want any of these, just let me pick 'none of the above'

3) Make support champion upgrades visible without having to click on every card to check which items they have.

this is straight-up just a poor UI design choice

4) Remove the repeatable battle pass quest once the pass is complete.

this just adds a pointless extra screen after every single battle

5) This bugged quest is still here.

all three are at least 4-starred by now

6) BUG: Item upgrades don't work properly if the corresponding Star of Discovery is also unlocked. For example, Ahri's ('add Mana Potion to all new spells') will not work if Mana Potion is also the item being offered with the card (see screenshot).

Ahri's star applies to Weight of Judgment and Troll Gifts here, but not Lightning Rush

7) Double Time Watch and Black Market Discount could really use some help to actually become useful.

let's put the 'double' in 'double time watch'!]

8) While some legendary powers are auto-picks (Duplicate, Perfected Manaflow), others don't even deserve to be called legendary.

let's be honest, these three are all rare-tier powers

That's it.

From their most recent video, the devs seem to have a bunch of great stuff lined up already. I just wanted to point out a few spots where improvements could be made.
